Thursday, September 28, 2006

School, and Azteca (Are you seeing a pattern that includes school in it yet?)

News flash: I should be finishing the school year in mid-December or so, because I usually do about 3 days of schoolwork every school day. (Just thought I'd share that with all of you guys and girls reading this.)

I went out to dinner last night with my friend Lindsey, her sister Rachel, and their mom. We went to Azteca. YUM! I had a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner, (It was sooooo good!) and chocolate mousse for dessert. (Double yum!) Lindsey and Rachel also had chocolate mousse for dessert. (Great minds think alike.)

And I think that's about it for today.


P.S. They didn't have very Mexican-like food there on the kids' menu, though. (Macaroni and cheese, chicken strips, grilled cheese sandwich, etc.)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Bedroom Switcharoo, and my awesome imaginary friend

I am so tired! We stayed up until about 9:00 PM to switch our rooms around, so I am now bunking with Abby, and Ethan has his own room. There is also a rumor about Abby and I getting bunk beds, but shhhh! You didn't hear it from me. You heard it from my imaginary friend, who is a rabid squirrel with fleas (What can I say? I'm in a creative mood.) who can, unfortunately, speak English. Moving our beds and taking every single possesion we own to the living room, Mom's bed, etc., was a real pain, and it took me 4 (!) hours just to organize my room, put posters, up, throw stuff away, etc. I was ecstatic when Mom said I only had to do 1 day of schoolwork, instead of 3 days. YAY! Our room now looks great, clean, which happens to have a ton of posters on the walls, above the closets, and more. WHEW! Well, I gotta sign off. Bye!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

School and Shopping

Hi everyone!

WHEW! I did 3 days worth of schoolwork today, which took me more than 3 hours. I'm glad I'm finally done! I had to do mostly reading, but I had some tests and quizzes as well.

My friend Deedee and I went to the mall on Sunday. We went to the following stores:
Limited Too
Club Libby Lu (I got a backpack and a tube of candy)
Build-A-Bear-Workshop (I got a Snow Leopard and a free book)
The Apple Store (I wanted to buy an accessory for one of my iPods, but I only had about $11.00 left. :( )
Cold Stone Creamery (Ok, it's not really a store; it sells ice cream, but we still went there! I got Cotton Candy flavored ice cream there.)
Borders Books (I got a Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends (it's a TV show on Cartoon Network) coloring book for my brother Ethan, and a Barbie coloring book for Abby)
Payless (It's a shoe store, if you didn't already know.)
Sweet Factory (They had lollipop bigger than Deedee's head!!!! I probably would have bought one if they weren't $31.00 each. YIKES!)
and I think that's it. My Mom and Dad gave me $40.00 for the mall, and when I came back home, I only had $3.00 left! Suprisingly, Mom and Dad weren't very suprised. Ethan and Abby loved their coloring books, as well.

WHEW! That's a lot of typing. Well, there's nothing left I can think of to write about, so I guess I'll sign off. Bye!


Friday, September 15, 2006

My Knuckle, Sleepovers, School, and Grandma's House

Hi everyone! This is going to be a short post, since I don't have much to write.

My knuckle doesn't hurt very much anymore, so I can type freely without having to worry about hurting my finger.

I'm sleeping over at Deedee's tomorrow! Yay!

I'm about half way done with the first quarter of school. I'm going to finish a few weeks early. I don't know the exact date, but it'll be a few weeks before a lot of my other classmates.

We're going to Grandma's house today! Yay!

And that's about it.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Burnt Knuckles, Babies, Books, Birthdays, and Awana. Tired yet?

Blame the typos in this post on my keyboard, not me. I burned my hand while taking the chicken nuggets for lunch out of the oven, and the left pot holder slipped, and I burned my knuckle on the pan. OUCH!

Anyways, Baby Ethan can now roll over while on his back. He's getting so big!

Also: I'm working on my next book, and I think it's coming along quite well. I'm not sure what the plot should be about this time, (Hey, am I supposed to know everything?) but it should be done in a few months.

In other news, my friend Deedee's birthday party is this weekend. YAY! My friend Liliana from church will also be invited, and we'll be going to the mall. Double yay! I'm not sure what to get her yet, though. After the mall, we're going to have a slumber party.

Awana started last Sunday, which was fun. There were a few new kids there, including 2 new girls! I got 3 sections done. Also: Now we're going to get a ticket for every verse we say with our name on it, and then at the end of every club night, one of us is going to pick a random ticket, and if your name is on the ticket, you get a piece of candy!

Well, that's about it for now.


Monday, September 11, 2006

School, New Shoes, New Jeans, and Awana

Hi everyone! School is going pretty good. So far I've been getting all A's and B's.

I got new shoes over the weekend! They're white with glitter on them. Simple, but cute. They're a size 6, and my mom started flipping out while we were at the mall after I bought them. (She flipped out because her Aunt's size 5 1/2 shoes were too big for her to wear to a school dance, and she was 15! I, on the other hand, am only 10 and wearing size 6 shoes.)

I also got a few new pairs of jeans a few hours ago! They're a bit big in the behind, but other than that, they fit pretty well.

Awana started yesterday, and I was off to a pretty good start. I got 3 sections done, (I usually only do 1) and I didn't even practice my verses beforehand! I was happy for quite a while after that.

Whew! That's a lot more than I usually write! Well, I guess I should sign off. (I don't have anything else to write either, so that makes it easy.)


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Picnics and Birthdays

Hi everyone! We got home from a picnic about a half an hour ago. It was so fun! They had a Bouncy House, a Robo Surfer, a HUMONGOUS slide, and lots of games and food. Ethan and Abby loved it.

My friend Deedee's 12th birthday is on the 12th, (that's kind of weird) and she's having a slumber party. I can't wait to go! We're going to go to Build-A-Bear Workshop while we're at the mall. I can't wait!

Well, that's about it. Bye for now!


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Babies and School

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated my blog in a couple of days. I've been busy with school and the twins lately.

The twins are so adorable! Ethan even giggled the other day when his Mom was playing with him. He's getting so big!

And Alison even hugged me a couple times!

Oh my gosh!!! Porter just said "ball"! He's getting so big!

I'm doing pretty well in school so far. I've been getting all A's and B's so far, so I guess that my grades say that I can do 5th grade work. Why I can't do 4th grade work, I don't know.

Well, I guess that's about it. Bye!


Sunday, September 03, 2006


Ok, Deedee and her grandma MIGHT be coming. But Ethan and Alison's (the twins, remember?) mom will also be coming to scrapbook with us.

Quick Summary of our Weekend

Hi everyone! I don't really have much to write today..... Let me think.... I got it!

Ok, Rachel, Rachel's mom, my friend Deedee, (mentioned in my last post) and Deedee's grandma are coming over to scrapbook.

Dad got a Clone Trooper gun (Star Wars) from Toys R Us.

And we're going to Ms. Michelle's house, (my friend Abbey's mom) for a barbecue with a few other people from our church tomorrow.

And that's about it.


Saturday, September 02, 2006

I ♥ bugs!

What I just witnessed was so funny, I'm still laughing about it. Picture this: My friend Deedee is terrified of bugs, (from what I've witnessed, anyways) and there was a bee about 3 inches away from her head, so I told her, "Deedee, there's a bee next to you." So she ran off of the trampoline, fell when she landed, grabbed a towel, put it on her head, got back on the trampoline, and started rolling around. (Can't you just picture my reaction?)

The second time, there was a fly next to her, so I told her "Deedee, there's a fly next to you." so she put the towel on her head again, jumped up in the air, landed on her back, and started to roll around again. (My stomach was aching by this point)

The third time, there was a small spider on her behind, so I told her "Deedee, there's a bug on your behind." so she grabbed the towel off of her head, started to scream, put the towel on her behind and started rubbing her behind against the trampoline, and repeated the second part of this ritual one more time.

The fourth and fifth times, she saw a fly while opening the screen door to access her backyard, saw a fly, and started screaming, ran to the couch, and started trembling. TWICE!!! By this time, my cheeks and stomach hurt very badly from grinning/smiling so much, and laughing so much for long periods of time.

Well, I gotta go.


iPods, yet again

Hi everyone! I got my new iPod last night! Unfortunately, they discontinued the iPod Minis, so now you can only get iPod Minis on the website, and those are the refurbished ones. So I got a Nano, and I just finished registering it and putting the songs on it, and I'm now listening to it. It's a lot more complicated to use than my Shuffle, but it's so cool!

Friday, September 01, 2006

School, iPods, and babies

Hi everyone! I'm going to be really busy when school starts, so I may update my blog a bit late some days. (School starts on the 5th, by the way.)

It'll be a bit difficult to finish my schoolwork with the twins, as they love to be held and fed constantly. They're very cute, though! And I think Alison is starting to like me, because yesterday she "christened" my hand in spit-up! Oh well. It's wash-able.

I'm getting my iPod Mini today! Yay! I've decided that whichever one I like better in person, (or the one that they have in stock if they don't have any more of the other) I'll get.

Well, I think that's about it for now. Bye!
